Monday 24 September 2018

Lighting Equipment for the Following Scenarios.

A small documentary where portability is paramount:
I would most likely use a standard DSLR camera and at least two led lights. This is because I would need a soft light and a hard light, one for the subject and the hard light for the background. You'll need at least two lights, preferably three. As said by Tom Kirkman in 2011,"A soft source is best for your subject, a second light for the background, and a third for either fill light, hair light, or a side light (variously called "edge" light or "rim" light). I would keep to two lights due to portability, and to make sure that the portability remains paramount, most likely a single LED and bigger light source such as one studio light with Barn doors. 

Talking Heads style interviews:

Following this interview, I feel that Donnie interviewed Talking Heads with three-point lighting. I feel this because there is a soft light upon David Byrne, a fill light - preventing any shadows and a backlight to separate him from the background. I feel that studio lights were part of this set up, however, this isn't the best option for portability; I would most likely use led lights if portability was an issue but also that would leave with a blue tint on the face with shadows being a further possibility. A diffuser may be used in this interview style to help reduce any shadows, however, this could come off unprofessional.

A night time shoot:
Shooting at night-time can be proven difficult, however, there is a method to achieve this. Ideally I would use a reflector at nighttime, especially with puddles on the ground as water and a reflector will help reflect light from streetlights into the setting. The lighting will most likely be low-key so you will have to be creative with where the camera is positioned. If there is too little light, i may consider a soft light for the face just to make sure the subject is correctly lit.

Tom Kirkman (2011) [online] Lighting for Interviews

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